VAT: 20% (included in price)
Delivery: Included in price
Turnaround: *Please note, this product requires manual proofing for the artwork. It needs to be sent to the Studio team/uploaded by 12pm at the latest in order to get a proof back on the same day. Artwork must be approved by 2:30pm receive your order by the expected delivery date.
Download the prices for this product range here.
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Please note, due to the size of this file, we recommend using a light weight CSV viewer to open this.
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Feather Flags
Our feather flags make great exhibition accessories. They’re quick and easy to put up too, with a simple fibre pole. If you need a base, simply choose from our ground spike or one of our two container bases that you can fill with water or sand for weight.
After purchase, upload your artwork through your account area. For help with our online proofing tool, please see our handy guide.
VAT: 20% (included in price)
Delivery: Included in price
Turnaround: *Please note, this product requires manual proofing for the artwork. It needs to be sent to the Studio team/uploaded by 12pm at the latest in order to get a proof back on the same day. Artwork must be approved by 2:30pm receive your order by the expected delivery date.
Download the prices for this product range here.
Make sure you are logged into your account to access this trade only benefit.
Please note, due to the size of this file, we recommend using a light weight CSV viewer to open this.
LoginLet us know what you are after and we'll try our best to quote it for you.
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